Toggle Location For Specific Dates Without Creating a New Link

2 years agoreviewed1

Would like to select specific dates to turn off certain location options. For example, all location options can be turned on when I am in the office, but when I am working remotely on a pre-planned date, turn off the “In-Person” option for that specific date so I can only accept virtual or phone appointments. All without having to create a separate scheduler link.

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1 thought on “Toggle Location For Specific Dates Without Creating a New Link”
  • Angela McKnight says:

    Clay you can already achieve this within SUMO. If you create a SUMO Location that only allows virtual appointments you can add that location into specific dates section this will override the other location. Please reach out to Support if you have any additional questions.

    December 12, 2022 at 4:15 pm
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