Maybe demote ancient release notes, and promote results with search term in title (see images)
Either make the contrast between dates and times greater or allow for the contrast to be adjusted. Currently light grey and darker grey are very similar and for some difficult to see when booking dates and times.
We are not located in the US and would like to have the Country code defaulted for our Events.
I would like to be able to pass a timezone into the instant booker as a parameter.
The ability to pass a Salesforce ContactID in event link, would be very helpful.
The ability to use the Salesforce App or browser to manually check in someone to an event. The QR code works great but not everyone brings their QR code.
The ability to pass a contactID when sending a link for event registration, which would then prepopulate contact info into the registration.
Adding extra reports would be helpful. Such as Attendees. Currently there is no captured custom info for Contacts or Leads when registering for an event. I created a new report but currently no one can open it due to some Sumo permissions issues.
I would like the ability to have external users assign more than one participant to a meeting scheduled via the Online Scheduler. Right now you can only assign the Primary Participant and then an internal user would have to go in and manually change the meeting to assign any additional participants.