
Users have to spend time to hover over on the timezone pick list values to check one by one. If we can display all full text from the dropdown, then it will save time for booking.

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I would like the ability to book internal meetings within SUMO. SUMO User to SUMO User with no contact or lead involved. Showing me the availability of all internal users I need for the meeting to be booked.

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I would like the ability to schedule an appointment without creating a contact in Salesforce. I would like to click New Appointment and add a SUMO user as the host and then just an email address as the participant without creating a contact or a lead.

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As a SUMO Admin, I’d like the ability to be able to export SUMO User Availability into a report that shows scheduled availability by user by interval for a specified duration.

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We have several brands in our org and the sharing model is that members of a brand can only see records belonging to other members of their brand. When booking appointments though, users can see ALL SUMO locations (each brand has several SUMO Locations). We would like to control that list on the User or […]

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I would like the ability to reserve a room or resource for a virtual appointment. This would ensure no one else was using the room I need for my appointment.

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I would like to be able to set my availability so that I can have consultations from 8-12 and follow ups from 1-5

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We require all communications to be logged on the contact. When an email invite is sent currently there is no record in the activity feed on the contact, so our team have to enter it manually. It would be great if it could log in the same way as other emails sent via Salesforce.

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I would like the ability to add a related to when I book an appointment from the multi calendar.

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I would like for customers have the ability to add additional fields to display in the Multi-Calendar Hover Details. Example use case: As a doctor, I need to see the following fields — Name, Time, Location and the Related CaseID.

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