
We have appointment times for times that are other than on the hour or 15 minutes. It would be nice to be able to drag and drop no matter what the time frame was rather than having to go in and edit anything that isn’t on the hour, 15 after, 30 after or 45 after.

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Be able to put in outcome of appointment-arrived, no showed, cancelled and for us being able to put in declined adopting, adopted when their appointment is complete

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Limits would need to respect each other. Ex. If Daily Limit is 3 but Weekly Limit is 9, Host can be scheduled up to 3 appointments per day but once they reach a total of 9 for the calendar week, there may not be scheduled against until the next week and the limit clock resets.

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We would like the ability to enter start/end dates, or restrict recurring availability over a number of days/weeks/months. Use case: Admissions staff conduct student interviews during a defined period of time (say, 10 weeks). Generally, they offer the same time each week, but currently need to manually enter each individual day/time as a separate specific […]

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When a user has availability at a location for a day that is not being displayed on the multi-calendar, would it be possible to not display that location? It becomes confusing when the users see all the locations.

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I would like the ability to text my customers about appointments booked, rescheduled, or canceled. Not just reminders. I do not want to send emails to my customers only sms messages.

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Currently there is no ability to turn off or disable the ability to create a block on the MC. I would like to be able to disable this for end users

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Currently there are colors that can be set within SUMO CEP appts that only reference the Multi-calendar. The customer would like to also having the color maintained on the external calendar as well. End users often times color code their external calendars, and currently, SUMO only propagates the calendar invite in the same (assuming default […]

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When customers book, they get to choose Early– 08:30-11:00, Mid – 11:00-13:30, Late – 13:30-17:30 for example. From the customer side they don’t see a specific time, just a time range. Customer facing specific times are great, for the first couple of appointments, but as the day goes on there are so many opportunities for […]

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Would like to select specific dates to turn off certain location options. For example, all location options can be turned on when I am in the office, but when I am working remotely on a pre-planned date, turn off the “In-Person” option for that specific date so I can only accept virtual or phone appointments. […]

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