
We have a need to NOT show the Cancel/Reschedule link in the email templates, but we want to be able to show the custom message and attachments, but this is not possible since they are all grouped together in the merge field. Would it be possible to move the cancel/reschedule link out of the description […]

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Request to introduce the option to not display the address for a location on the cancel/reschedule page and confirmation page when scheduling through appts as well as on the MC use case: sometimes the location serves as a placeholder within SUMO so the address is unimportant/not relevant. Currently when left blank, it displays null; you […]

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Ability add bank holidays or business closure days to the whole organisation instead of adding holidays to individual agents . This will save a lot of Admins work for diary team who main the availability for the team.

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Ability to control to the display of fields on instant booker and edit event page. As a user i need to ability to remove or add the toggle buttons like Anytime Override and Over lap options from the page. See the attached screenshot

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I want to be able to book appointments for 2 days for onsite training using the online scheduler, appointment links and email an invite. Courses do not work because I would like to optimize each week that I am on site for training. These are not at a fixed date and time like a course […]

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When booking an appointment using the Instant Booker from a contact or lead, pull in the address associated with the lead or contact to the in person meeting. The would eliminate copy and pasting or having 2 screens open to add the address.

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I would like to be able to have the date/time in confirmation and reminder emails show up in the timezone of the person the email is being sent to. For example, when the participant receives the email they will see the date/time in their timezone, while the email sent to the host will show the […]

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It would be helpful to have the option to have the SMS reminder opt-in ticked by default, both when our admin team book on behalf of a client and when the client books online. Spam legislation varies by country, and in some countries you do not need to have an opt-in for SMSs that are […]

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We have clients in a lot of different timezones. When booking an appointment for a client it would be very helpful to have the timezone default to the client’s timezone based on their address, or another field which stores their preferred timezone (timezonesidkey). This is particularly important when booking an appointment over the phone, as […]

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I would like the ability to control what fields shows on what pages in the online scheduler. For the confirmation page you have the ability to add custom text I would like to display this in the additional info page.

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