Customers Can Schedule a Time Range vs. a Specific Time

2 years agoreviewed0

When customers book, they get to choose Early– 08:30-11:00, Mid – 11:00-13:30, Late – 13:30-17:30 for example.
From the customer side they don’t see a specific time, just a time range.
Customer facing specific times are great, for the first couple of appointments, but as the day goes on there are so many opportunities for lateness to creep in and once it does it snowballs. So with customers having specific times, it means we run the risk of letting them down which is not ideal, especially when we are just at the opportunity stage. If we were able to display “Pick your time slot, Early– 08:30-11:00, Mid – 11:00-13:30, Late – 13:30-17:30” That would be less specific and easier to manage customers’ expectations.

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