Default timezone to contact timezone

3 years agoreviewed1

We have clients in a lot of different timezones. When booking an appointment for a client it would be very helpful to have the timezone default to the client’s timezone based on their address, or another field which stores their preferred timezone (timezonesidkey). This is particularly important when booking an appointment over the phone, as our admin team need to be talking to the client about the available times in the client’s timezone, and can sometimes forget to update it (which also means the client receives a booking confirmation in the wrong timezone, causing confusion).

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1 thought on “Default timezone to contact timezone”
  • Angela McKnight says:

    Piroska the Online Scheduler will default to the time zone of the person who clicks the link. For new appointment it defaults to the user who click the new appointment. Your ask it for it to default the time zone for New Appointment to the customers time zone not the user who clicked the button.

    August 14, 2023 at 3:15 pm
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