🆕 Suggest a feature for a monthly release.
Influence the SUMO product roadmap by posting and sharing your ideas. Ideas with the most votes may be added to an upcoming monthly SUMO release.
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- TIP: You’ll see a Math Equation at the bottom just above the “Push” button to push your idea. This is just our captcha feature – if you don’t enter a response here, you will see an error advising that the Math Equation field is empty.
Get your idea to 10 to be reviewed
- 6Additional RemindersI would like the ability to easily set up additional reminders. Add additional email and sms reminders in the SUMO admin settings without having to create a flow to achieve this.
- 5Emails with Email Opt OutI would like the functionality to send the SUMO emails to customers even if they have opted out of email. An option for SUMO to not look at this field is what would work best I believe.
- 3Ability to allow customer to choose virtual platform.We have a use case where a majority of our users use Zoom as the default platform for virtual meetings in their User Settings. However, some of the attendees in the meeting can't use Zoom because it... Read more...
- 2Add Override Button to PermissionsThe anytime and overlap buttons have the ability to be added to any user through a permission. I would like to have the override button set up in the same way.
- 2Pass ContactID with Event linkThe ability to pass a contactID when sending a link for event registration, which would then prepopulate contact info into the registration.
- 2AvailabilityI would like to see the availability that I have entered in SUMO user settings in my source calendar. I would like to see this information based on the location and service that I have added into my c... Read more...
- 2Default Country Code for EventsWe are not located in the US and would like to have the Country code defaulted for our Events.
- 2Show appointments in Activity Logs of all participantsWhen you schedule an appointment with more than one participant, it only shows in the activity log for the primary participant. The secondary (and/or all other participants) do not show the appoin... Read more...
- 1Online Scheduler: don't ask customer to name accountThe online scheduler creates a contact and an account to own it. The Contact tab allows contact fields but the only account field it allows is Account Name. That may work for corporate clients and for... Read more...
- 1Select or filter contacts in Invite Manager on accountIf a user opens Invite Manager on an account with the New Appointmnet button, the participants field searches all contacts in the database. So if it's Jim Larson and there are ten Jim Larsons in your ... Read more...
- 1auto select fields in Invite ManagerIf a field has only one available value, pre-select it (service, location, user).
- 1add to documentationhttps://cep.sumoscheduler.com/faq/admin-faq/#4403, should say which customizations are available to deploy in change sets. https://cep.sumoscheduler.com/faq/admin-faq/#4208 should say that custom f... Read more...
- 1Improve search resultsMaybe demote ancient release notes, and promote results with search term in title (see images)
- 1Bookings Calendar ContrastEither make the contrast between dates and times greater or allow for the contrast to be adjusted. Currently light grey and darker grey are very similar and for some difficult to see when booking date... Read more...
- 1availability header and start timesIn User Availability, make the headers stay when user scrolls down the hours table. Also, most customers won't be scheduling at 2AM. Set default start time where this table will load, to relieve us f... Read more...
- 1Rename notes fieldCurrently the label of the notes field on the online scheduler Additional info tab is "Note for participants". We would love to be able to change that customer-facing label.
- 1Pass Timezone As Paramater for Instant BookerI would like to be able to pass a timezone into the instant booker as a parameter.
- 1Pass ContactID with Event LinkThe ability to pass a Salesforce ContactID in event link, would be very helpful.
- 1Manual CheckInThe ability to use the Salesforce App or browser to manually check in someone to an event. The QR code works great but not everyone brings their QR code.
- 1Assign More Than One Participant on Online Scheduler MeetingsI would like the ability to have external users assign more than one participant to a meeting scheduled via the Online Scheduler. Right now you can only assign the Primary Participant and then an inte... Read more...
- 1Attendees ReportAdding extra reports would be helpful. Such as Attendees. Currently there is no captured custom info for Contacts or Leads when registering for an event. I created a new report but currently no one ca... Read more...
- 1Confirmation Text Message on BookingI would like the ability for a SMS reminder to be sent out on booking the event.
- 1Ability Search or Filter by Co-HostI would like the ability to filter the Multi Calendar by co-host. Also when creating Event Links I would like the filters there to also show Co Host information.
- 1SMS Messages for Follow UpsAfter a person has attended an appt I would like to be able to send them a follow up text.
- 1QR CodesI would like SUMO to generate QR codes for Appts and Events that customers can use to see the appts and events.
- 1One Link for Events and ApptsI would like to create a link for customers to be able to choose if they would like an appt or an event. Similar to how dynamic links work but the ability to add appts to it.
- 1Ability to route data to different objectsCurrently, SUMO Scheduler only supports contact or Lead collection forms. However, it would be great if it collects data and can route it to different objects without additional flows.
- 1Primary Participant AvailabilityCreate a way to store the availability (or unavailability) for the primary participant so when you go to the instant booker, the available times show both the host and the participant's availability.
- 1Clone a recurring seriesI will like the ability to clone a recurring series of appts. I schedule customers for a year at a time and would like to easily extended or clone that series to occur for another year.
- 1Alternate Name Available on User SettingsIt would be helpful to have the Alternate Name field available to set on the User Settings tab, similar to adding the Zoom link. It would also be helpful for users who do not have Salesforce permissi... Read more...
- 1Add a Resend Confirmation Email Button for Appointment SchedulerAdd a button or quick action that allows a user to quickly resend a confirmation email for an existing scheduled appointment.
- 1Ability to Mark as a No Show directly from the Multi CalendarI would like to be able to mark participants as a no show directly from the Multi Calendar.
- 1Weekly AvailabilityAllow the creation of recurring availability for users based on a week number (EG Week 1 , 2,) To allow for schedules which run over a period eg 2,3,and 4, week patterns. Users who work every other w... Read more...