
We would appreciate a way to either change the organization method for the “User Choose” option or if there is a way to change the Record ID for each Service/Skill offered so that we can easily alphabetize the hosts. It currently doesn’t alphabetize the counselors and instead goes off of the order of “Record ID” […]

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I would like to be able to change the color of the font on the confirmation page that says “This confirmation has been emailed to you.”. It is in red font and I would like to change it to match the rest of the pages.

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I would like to limit how many appointments a participant can schedule for a specific service. For example a participant can only book 3 consultation appointments in a day, week, or month. Also if there could be a way to limit a participant from booking an appointment out of order. For example I have service […]

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I would like the ability to filter the Multi Calendar by co-host. Also when creating Event Links I would like the filters there to also show Co Host information.

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I would like to have the setting available for the Lead tab additional settings section available for the contact tab within the Online Scheduler process.

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I would like a button that would allow me to change the host of an appointment that may not be in the process. Right now I cannot reassign an appointment to a user that is not in the process the appointment was created with. I would like to choose who can have access to this […]

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I would like the ability to book with multiple hosts with the Online Scheduler. Pulling a host from 2 separate resource pools.

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I would like the ability to offer Event & Course registrants a “calendar view” option (instead of the current “list view”) when registering for an event/class with many available options.

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It would be great if we could have a checkbox and a field selection picklist on Invite Manager to use a custom Lead/Contact’s Time Zone field to be used as default Time Zone while booking Appointment. We have customers from all time zones in USA and we don’t want to rely on our service representatives […]

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Users have to spend time to hover over on the timezone pick list values to check one by one. If we can display all full text from the dropdown, then it will save time for booking.

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